Tuesday, 19 May 2015

What should you pay for your essay? What's a good price?

Essays writing services charge  all the way up to $30.00 per page  for an assignment due in a matter of couple days. These services take undue advantage of the poor students dilemma and precarious situation and  mint money. 

Students for the most part are unaware that there are services available which are reasonable and charge much less than $30.00 per page, which can cost them thousands for just one assignment. SuperPapers Superpapers is a reliable service since 2010 for all types of essays including thesis and dissertation.

Stop Paying more for your essay: Do not pay $20 per page!

Paying $19.95 for a 250 - 275 word page is ridiculous, simply ridiculous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do I know that? because I have paid that much and why did I pay? because I did not know any better. Folks don't get ripped off anymore. A good and reliable service need not charge 20 bucks a page, A good writing service can charge anywhere between $12-$13 per page which has at least 300 words, so you get 50 words more. Your bill can run up to a cool thousand dollars if its a final dissertation or thesis.
visit super papers for a  fair price essay