Saturday, 7 February 2015

Your Free specific dissertation/thesis outline & Introduction page by senior writer Riley between February 8 - 17.

                                                                    Attention Students!
This is to inform all students of all levels, Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral of all disciplines (majors) to get their free assignment outline and introduction page(250 original words written ) by Senior writer and quality controller J Riley at Super Papers, Please use the contact page for all your queries.
Note: What students will be provided with is a specific outline regarding their specific topic and an original 250 word introduction. Please feel free to use the contact form at
The above promotion is a new feature which will be provided as a promotion for Spring and following semesters, twice a year so that students can get a feel of real professional academic writing.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Get that MBA Degree with a Higher Grade

Divide your academic time into two halves
1. The first one deals with exams quiz and class participation
2. The second one (which will really drain your time) is assignment writing. The research and writing part will take a lot of your time and if you have a full load in a semester than chances are your grade may suffer. Use a reliable writing service

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Fighting Invisible Tigers: A Stress Management Guide for Teens

Fighting Invisible Tigers is an interesting stress guide for teens, which uses quizzes, drawings, graphs, quotes, and scientific work to show you how to reduce stress in your life. I recommend this book to anyone having trouble with stress, or basically life in general. The author, Earl Hipp, is a well-known psychologist, who has B.A. in psychology and a Master's Degree in Psychophysiology. There are three parts of the book and together they intertwine how to feel better about your self, how to see yourself in a different light, and how to fight off "invisible tigers," his analogy for stress.
The first part of the book is called "Life in the Jungle" and humorously informs you about the "fight-or-flight response," a typical symptom of stress, and what can be done about it. There are included quotes from teenagers and researchers that inform you about what may be stress in your life and how to begin to fight it off. The book then contains information about distraction, avoidance, procrastination, illness, sleep, and escape, the common teenage methods for dealing with stress. The book discusses the pros and cons of these ways of dealing with stress and whether they should be tried or avoided.
The second part of the book is aptly named "Self-Care for Tiger Bites," and involves quizzes and quotes to inform you on how to effectively treat stress in your life. This is the shortest part of the book, but tells you many important things. This part mainly answers the question of "What to do when you can't cope"? and is highly informative and useful for finding effective ways of curing "tiger bites", the analogy for stress catching up with you.
The third and final part of this book in the largest and, in my opinion, the most practical. It mixes up breathing exercises with the importance of laughter and discusses relationships. The title for this part is "Life Skills" and tells you what methods to use in the real world for dealing with stress. A large part discusses relationships and helps you rate your relationships with your friends on a scale. There are many quizzes to let you know if you are affected with stress or if you are a perfectionist. If I had to read only one part of this book, this is the one I would pick.This book is a good resource for dealing with stress, and I recommend it to all teens. The quizzes are useful and fun, and the breathing exercise is a good thing to know, instead of the childish "counting to ten" method. The only problem I have with this book is the fact that is in an "easy-to-read" style and contains few paragraphs, preferring cartoons and bullet points. Despite this flaw (in my opinion), this is a wonderful guide and is a nice thing to have around as a gifted teen.
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Writing and submitting your doctoral thesis


Doctoral thesis format
The conventions governing the doctoral thesis format depend on the country or even institution you are doing your doctorate in. In some countries, you will be expected to publish a series of research articles and reviews in peer-reviewed journals and then write an introduction to tie them together to form the thesis. In other countries, including the UK, the thesis is commonly a stand-alone piece of writing, with an introduction, several results chapters and a closing discussion.
By reading and analyzing thesis by other researchers in your department or institution, you can get an idea of the format expected of you.
Writing your doctoral thesis

The prospect of sitting down to write your thesis can be intimidating. Your supervisor should support you by reading drafts, providing feedback and helping you to judge appropriate style and level. You can expect them to read your whole thesis, probably more than once, but make sure to get someone else to proofread it as your supervisor is most likely to be concentrating on the technical detail.
This section offers specific advice and tips on the process of writing a thesis.

Getting started and analyzing a thesis
Writing as you go
Structuring your thesis
Knowing when it is finished
Writing up when you have moved on
Your institution will have specific regulations governing the format of your thesis, including word limits and formatting. There will be stipulations on how many copies you need to submit and how they need to be bound. Make sure you know what these are in advance and before submitting check again that your thesis adheres to the required guidelines.
Recommended PHD Thesis Writers

The key to a successful PhD thesis? Write in your own voice


In the last couple of months of completing my law thesis I found myself struggling to put things into the simplest terms. All the ideas I had been researching and writing about were coming together like the pieces of a puzzle, but I kept wanting to re-explain everything in great detail in every chapter, and sometimes even within a chapter. The word count was growing every day, but my arguments and conclusions weren’t necessarily getting any clearer.
I asked a colleague to look at one chapter in particular for me, and the feedback she gave me was gold: write in your own voice.
I was writing from fear
There is a tension inherent in writing a PhD. On the one hand, it is an examination of your ability to undertake research independently, and write as an academic. On the other, you have to show you have read all the literature in your field, and can cite the most authoritative scholars. The temptation was to spend a lot of words proving that I knew my stuff, that I could rehearse the arguments of those authoritative scholars. But in fact I was writing from fear: a fear of needing to back up every claim and argument with the voice of a well-known scholar – or preferably several. If someone had said it before, then it was safe to say it myself.
But what I was creating was more like an extensive, impressive research report, rather than a thesis of my own.
The word “thesis” comes from the Greek tithenai, which literally means “to place” or “to position”: my thesis is my position, my point of view, my stance on a certain issue. If I am not able to convey what that is in my writing, then I am no longer writing my own thesis, I am writing the theses of the giants who have gone before me without adding anything to them.
Confidence is essential

Particularly in fields such as law, the humanities and some of the social sciences, where research is not necessarily a matter of gathering data or conducting experiments, but rather of gathering positions, and conducting thought experiments, it can be harder to make a distinction between our use of existing knowledge and our own original contribution that builds on that knowledge.
Without sufficient research or evidence, the claims and arguments we make may come across as naïve or ill-founded. Yet without the confidence to step out beyond the safety of endless footnotes and the words and voices of big-name scholars, we risk not reaching the level of academic independence that doing a PhD requires of us.
The great challenge in the final phase of a project that has consumed my thinking for the past few years is: how do I find my own voice in all of it? How do I find the academic self-confidence to really give a voice to my own thesis, my own position and stance? And indeed, how did the giants of my field become the authoritative voices that we all cite? By developing their own voice.
To defend our claims, we have to find our own voice

Somehow translating this to my own academic writing proved to be just as much of a challenge. The moment at which we are asked to defend our thesis in front of a committee of professors, to defend our arguments and claims, is the moment at which we literally must find our voice and express it confidently. The award of the doctorate degree, and the title Dr, is a symbolic recognition of our full membership in the academic community. In order to rise to that challenge, it is necessary to find your voice in your writing, to formulate your own position, your own thesis, which you are capable of – and confident in – defending.
My colleague had given me the key to a door that opened before me in the last throes of writing and editing. These final weeks have become really enjoyable, even with the pressure of the final deadline getting closer and closer, because I have given myself full permission to articulate my own thesis, my own position, my own voice. And the final result is a manuscript that is truly mine, and a piece I feel worthy of submitting as I ask for admission into the academic community as a fully-fledged, independent member. A member who has a voice of her own.
Recommended PHD Thesis Writer

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

where to find a reliable essay writer?

This a question that comes several times in a students mind during his or her's days at the university. The best answer to this question is its very very difficult to find one. However the best solution is if you can find someone from a reference and then actually meet this person and transfer your requirements. But this would asking too much. However there are honest and dedicated writers who do academic writing for a living and have become experts but as I said earlier they are very few and hard to find
Recommended essay writers

Dissertation Research Writing and Outsourcing Essential Pre Requisites

Dissertation Research Writing

Dissertation Research Writing: Keep Sections In A Logical Order
Are you in the process of writing a dissertation research paper? Are you struggling with keeping all of the sections in order? Do you wish there were an easy way to reference what section goes where? There are a couple of ways to best figure out how to keep your sections in order. Your professor or advisor should have provided you with a detailed list of instructions on how to compose your dissertation step by step. However, the wordy instructions manuals are not the best way for every student to understand instructions. If you are a more visual learner, then you might benefit more from seeing an example. There are tons of examples that you can look up online; however, the online examples are not always the more reputable sources of templates. You can always ask your professor or advisor for a template or example; however, they might not always supply you with one. This is for a doctoral program and he or she might feel as though it is your responsibility to find your own example.
If this is the case, you can always turn to a professional writing organization to obtain a legitimate example of a well-written dissertation. There are easy ways to distinguish a scammer company from a reputable company in regards to online writing services. You will be looking for companies that offer the following:
 f this is the case, you can always turn to a professional writing organization to obtain a legitimate example of a well-written dissertation. There are easy ways to distinguish a scammer company from a reputable company in regards to online writing services. You will be looking for companies that offer the following:
The company should affirm that the writers are definitely native English speaking writers
You should have access to customer service all the time during your project
You will have access to contact your writer directly via email
You will be guaranteed that the work provided to you is completely original
You will be promised to meet any deadline
There will be free revisions of each individual project until you are satisfied with the results
These are just a few of the minimum requirements that a reputable organization will offer. If you are a student who is struggling with keeping your dissertation sections in order, you can always obtain a legit example from an online writing services organization. Furthermore, you can even send your paper in and have a professional format and proofread your paper if you would really like to. This can all be accomplished for a reasonable price. The cost of these services is well worth it when you are able to turn in a properly formatted dissertation at the end of the project!
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Plagiarism checkers

My advice is stay away from them as they will record your text and when your supervisor or prof. runs a check it will show as all of it as plagiarized.
Recommended essay writing service

Monday, 2 February 2015

Who Should use an essay writing service?

Who Should use an essay writing service?

Its simple! those who are enrolled almost as full time students and work at the same time they don't have time for writing world class papers, instead of getting a bad grade they should hire a writer. And there is one more category... and that is foreign students, they also need help with world class papers.
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Free Masters/PHD Dissertation template free


Free Masters/PHD Dissertation template free

The only PhD Thesis/Masters Dissertation template for Microsoft Word you will ever need
As I start to move into the writing up stage of my thesis, I have started to focus on the structure and layout of the final document. I’ve been particularly keen to minimise the amount of formatting and editing I have to do by automating as much of the process as possible. I also want my thesis to look professional, and not just another generic Word document. I know many scientists swear by LaTeX but I’ve always disliked writing in mark-up and to be perfectly honest I can be bothered to learn how to use it, especially when I am so familiar with Word.
I spent some time looking for a good thesis or dissertation template. While many universities produce one; they where all incomplete in therms of automated functionality or ugly. Kayla Friedman and I have spend several months working out what makes a good looking thesis or dissertation and how to make it in Microsoft Word. The template we have created is an excellent starting point for any PhD Thesis or Masters Dissertation and is easy to use. Its free for anybody to use, although an acknowledgement to Kayla and myself is appreciated.
If you are using the template please leave a comment below, we know that hundreds of people a month download the template, and we would like to hear feedback.
Template Download
The Template is in two forms a normal DOCX document which includes useful help information and a DOTX Word Template which can be applied to new and existing word documents.

DOCX Format Plain Word Document

DOTX Format Word Template

Microsoft Office Theme File
– This contains additional font & colour information and can be used to style Excel and PowerPoint content in the same style as your Thesis/Dissertation.
Power Point on Advanced Word Features

Thesis Bootcamp: 0-10,000 in 48 hours


Thesis Bootcamp: 0-10,000 in 48 hours

Sometimes it feels impossible to wade through all the email that floods in to your inbox everyday; the journal alerts, department emails, university emails, human resources updates etc., etc. I’m sure a lot of you, like myself, hit delete before reading half of them. Well a couple of months ago, as I hunched over my desk, glaring at the empty screen wondering why I couldn’t will Chapter 4 of my thesis to write itself, an email appeared advertising a THESIS BOOTCAMP being put on by the wonderful folks at the Research Skills Training Unit. If I’m honest I was probably procrastinating and reading anything that meant I could put off writing.
However…participating in the Thesis Bootcamp was a pivotal moment in my PhD. Perhaps THE moment when I realised I was actually going to finish. I will always remember looking up at the end of that weekend to see that the light at the end of the tunnel had gone from a faint glow, to one burning so bright it singed my eyebrows. I have always admitted to writing very slowly. If I manage 500 decent words in a day then I am ecstatic, but in truth it’s usually less. During the bootcamp, between 5pm on Friday and 7pm on Sunday I typed over 10,000 words, going from 500 words a day to 500 words an hour. And that was the average of the 24 participants. Several people wrote over 20,000 words. So how did we do it?
Thesis Bootcamp is modelled after a very successful workshop, of the same name, run out of Melbourne University. When we assembled on Friday evening we were given a few key pieces of information by Liam (who had flown in from Melbourne Uni) and the indomitable Inger Mewburn (a.k.a The Thesis Whisperer). Firstly, Liam stated that producing academic prose requires (an awful lot of) THINKING, and then WRITING, then there is the EDITING and finally the POLISHING before we start the process again. The difference between seasoned academics and students, and I am putting my hand way up here, is that students go through the four step process for every….single…sentence. Then if you are me you do it for the paragraph, the page, the section etc., etc., which is incredibly slow. And so, we were told not to think *, no editing and absolutely no polishing.
“Give your self permission to write a shitty first draft and just get the words on the page”
Inger followed with her own story of trying to complete her thesis. One weekend, she went to her mother in-law’s, handed over her small child, and locked herself in the study. Her mother in-law fed her, watered her, cleaned up after her and made sure she got enough rest, and in this nurturing environment she produced 15,000 words.
“This weekend, you are to view me as your mother in-law”
And what a mother in-law! There was catering (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and cleaners so no dishes. There was an endless supply of coffee tea, chocolates and biscuits. There was the ‘physiotherapy’ room where bootcampers could discuss the roadblocks that were stalling their submission; either practical or emotional. There was a mattress if you needed a nap. We did yoga on Saturday afternoon and popped into a gallery on Sunday. We were awarded squishy blocks for every 5,000 words we completed and we strived to obtain them together. All the participants really wanted, and perhaps needed, to be there. We were supportive of one another, we learned of other people’s disciplines, and of their struggles, but perhaps most importantly, we didn’t feel alone. And the words flowed.
I’ve been agonising over this one chapter for so long. It combines two sites, the oceanography is notroiusly complex, and instead of committing to anything I just keep reading. But over that weekend I wrote what ever came to mind, which ws a lot, because I keep reading…. And yes, it needs editing and yes, there are pieces to fill in, but I WROTE THE WHOLE CHAPTER: introduction, results and discussion. I have brought my submission date forward by months, I believe, if I really put my mind to it I can submit in 6-8 weeks. And that is on top of giving a lecture at a workshop I’ve never given before, presenting at a conference and putting in several applications. My thesis no longer rules me. I rule my thesis. If I could have stood on my chair while writing those words I would have.recommended essay writing service

PHD Essay Writers?


PHD Essay Writers?

Do essay writing services really have PHD's as essays writers?
The answer is NO ! NO! NO!
This is just a luring tactic. stay away from such fraud companies that advertise PHD's as essay writers
Recommended essay writer

Do not procrastinate, write your essay now or outsource it


Do not procrastinate, write your essay now or outsource it

Keep delaying your essay writing and Bingo! the next thing you know is that the due date just around the corner and you have a 30 page final dissertation due in quantum engineering!!!!! If you are serious in doing it yourself then you have to start months in advance and do it piecemeal. But that's the fallacy, most students believe that they can do it on time...but most cannot because some of us work too! So if you have big assignment due or a short but a difficult one, I can do it for you, as I have been doing for over a decade If you have a question or query contact right away

I need an essay writer.....


I need an essay writer.....

Read this story below
"A colleague tells the following story. A student in an undergraduate course recently submitted a truly first-rate term paper. In form, it was extremely well crafted, exhibiting a level of writing far beyond the typical undergraduate. In substance, it did a superb job of analyzing the text and offered a number of trenchant insights. It was clearly A-level work. There was only one problem: It markedly exceeded the quality of any other assignment the student had submitted all semester"
The instructor suspected foul play. She used several plagiarism-detection programs to determine if the student had cut and pasted text from another source, but each of these searches turned up nothing. So she decided to confront the student. She asked him point blank, "Did you write this, or did someone else write it for you?" The student immediately confessed. He had purchased the custom-written paper from an online essay-writing service"
Above Sounds like a fake... why?
Because why would the student confess? there was no evidence that it was plagiarized. Thousands of students outsource their assignments to essay writers and get great grades. Working students especially need help and they outsource trheir writing and save tons of time. I can write your essay
for a superb grade and will give you tips for handling your instructor or supervisor.

How to Write a Last Minute Essay


How to Write a Last Minute Essay

Well frankly speaking there is no such thing. Let me give you a reasonable time frame for an essay, you can do a 5000 - 6000 word essay in 8 - 10 hours if you have written research essays aleast once or twice before.
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Why Students Are Often Stuck With Essay Writing

Why Students Are Often Stuck With Essay Writing

There is no student, who would not meet the problem of writing an essay at least once. During their study, they will have to write different kinds of papers, and there is nothing bad or awful with that. Writing is a perfect way to develop new skills, become more organized, generate new ideas, open students’ mind to new knowledge, develop new habits, etc. When they are good essay writers, it becomes much easier for them to express thoughts, think logical, learn and remember new information. And it is difficult to find a teacher or a professor, who would not like the fact that his student is really good with essay writing.
The problem is, that not all students can be called talented writers. And it is fine, because the world would hardly need tens of Stephen Kings, hundreds of Oscar Wildes, or thousands of Ray Bradburies. When a person’s talent is math analysis for example, it may be difficult for him to write an essay on War and Peace of Leo Tolstoy, but it does not mean he can’t do it really good. The point is to accept the fact you are stuck with essay writing, and think carefully on what you can do with it to change the situation.
What can be the reason of students’ fails with essay writing? Being a student, you definitely met some of these reasons at least. None of them means that you are bad, stupid, or something; just determine your heel of Achilles, and try to do everything to forget about the problem of essay writing.