Thursday, 16 October 2014

Complete Dissertation Template free!


Here is a free template for your dissertation assignment

Monday, 13 October 2014

Secret to an A Plus paper

In order to understand an A plus paper you must first understand what a B grade  paper means ! It takes a lot of effort to get a B grade, however if you work just around 15 percent more you can get an a grade or an a plus grade paper done. Among other fine points the one that will really make your paper stand out is the element  of  its unique approach. The topic may be similar to others as it is difficult to come up with a unique thesis statement topic but it is totally in your control to adopt a unique approach for your paper which will make a impression on the supervisor.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

How to choose a thesis or dissertation topic?

Choosing a Thesis or a Dissertation topic is actually a make or break decision. If you plan to outsource your thesis or term paper or final dissertation then too choosing the right topic is  important. What I have found to work best is to ask your thesis writer to choose from amongst  three possible topics that you may have and give you a reason why he or she has chosen that topic. Sometimes the writer is in a better position as he or she may have written on similar topics and they may have developed a certain command on the topic-wide subject.